mandag 11. mai 2015

Native Americans - current situation

         Comprehension tasks:
1) About what percentage of the Native Indian population lives on reservations? About 50% of the Native Indian population lives on reservations.
    Where are the majority of these reservations located? The majority og these reservations is located west of the Mississippi River.

2) What are some of the social challenges faced by Native Americans?. Some social challenges the Native Americans are challenging: unemployment, drug abuse, poverty and alcholism. Possible causes of these are easy access to drugs and alcoholic beverage, racism may be a cause of unemployment and poverty because no work - no money.

3) Over which matters do tribal governments have power? tribal governments have power of taxes, to establish requirements for memberships, to license and regulate activities, to zone and to exclude persons from tribal territories.

onsdag 22. april 2015

1. The Aborigines, who were the first setlers on the Australian continent came from the Asian mainland and the islands north of the Australian continent.
2. The reasons the Aboriginal population was halved quite soon after the European arrived was because the Europeans brought with them unknown diseases like smallpox. The Europeans drove the Aboriginals away from the most fertile land because they wanted it for themselves.
3. More than 100,000 Aboriginals children are belived to have been taken away from their homes.

1. I think the reason Mr. Howard and Mr. Keating refused to make an official apology was because they did not think they should not take the blame of something people before them did, or maybe they were embarrassed.
2. Other groups of people who hva experienced something similar are the Sami because the Norwegians tried to Norwegianize them, the Indians because the new settlers in America, who came from Europe wanted their land, and the Apartheid because the white people in South-Africa thought they were better than the black.

onsdag 8. april 2015

Working with texts -tasks

Questions for task 1:
1) I think the writer is somebody who describes the gentleman, but probably with the gentleman behind him putting in flattering words because it is many flattering words of the gentleman, but also a kind of honesty that I don`t think the gentleman would have written himself, so the writer put it in; example: "Given his discriminating taste"
2) The purpose of the text is to find the gentleman a lady 
3) the genre this text is written in is article because it is a description of a man in his 50`s, so it kind of describes men in their 50`s generally.

mandag 23. mars 2015

Imaginary person

There ones was a girl, she was anAmerican girl, but she could speak both English and French as her mother was French, but she lived just outside of Washngton D.C. Her name was Lynn and she loved to read and learn, her favourite subject at school was history, she especially liked to learn about the Victorian Era. And her favorite books was Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan. Last week, Tuesday the 5th of June, her class went to the White House and learned about the political parties; the Conservatives and the Democrats. Even though her class had many diffrent religions such as Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism, but one thing they all had in common was politics. They were even lucky enough to have a brief meeting with the President.

Words that are easily confused

Task 1: Visual Dictionary






there, their, they`re:






mandag 16. mars 2015

A Passage to India

We got a task to create a story around a picture in our text book, so here it is:
Outside of a huge business building in India, stands a young Indian woman, despite the sun outside,is she holding a purple umbrella, while talking to her friend on the phone, she is smiling, and can not wait to meet her friend on the cafe she is heading for right now. As a marketing director for the big firm, she is standing in front, she dosen`t have that much of free time, but she took a longer lunch break this day to see her friend, whom she had not seen in a long time. So naturally her thoughts is on her friend and how exited she is to finally meet her again.

Checkpoint on p. 262: Give each paragraph in the text a title:
1) The road to independence
2) Challenges
3) Transform from rural to industrialized
4) Old traditions
5) Caste system
6) Education
7) Contrast between the poor and India`s middle and upper classes.

Viewpoints on p. 265:
1) Rural means a place away from the city where people live and many people work with farms, urban means city
2) The diffrence between rural and urban areas in Norway is some places easy too see, but it is mainly that the rural areas have a lot of agriculture, while the urban areas is cities with shopping centres, resturants and other different buy and sell opportunities.
3) "If everyone in the world consumed as much as people in industrialized countries do, we would need eight planets as big as the Earth to meet their demands" this is probably true, we in the western world use and throws a lot. 
4) I guess the reason why people change their ways of life to a "simple life" where they produce their own food and go back to nature and live in closely-knit communities is because they see it may improve their health, and the environment. They may feel it as a better living with less stress and more comfort.
5) Rules for "simple living": 
   - spend less than you make
   - be grateful
   - google "rules for simple living" and you will get more useful rules
6) My three top priorities in life is:
    - live my life as I want
    - have good friends and family
    - have a job I like 

mandag 9. mars 2015

The Imitation Game

2. What would I ask Alan Turing after the end of the war?
    - Why did it take so long time for you to open up and work with your colleagues?
    - What was the biggest reason you wanted to work on the Enigma Project?
    - What was the most difficult ethic problems you had to solve?
    - It is said that because of your job you shortened the war with two years, do you belive it coul have been shortened with more if you worked differently?
    - Do you think anything could have been done differently?

tirsdag 10. februar 2015

How can Literature, films and social media help us understand other People?

Sometimes we read a book, or watch a movie or even read a comment in a newspaper, and we get an new understanding on that subject or person. We might have an "aha!-experience," and then we takes this new understanding with us further in life. My goal for this essay is to give a little more information about how literature, films and digital technology will help us understand other people.

Social media helps us understand other poeple by kind of letting us into their life. Maybe it is conscious or maybe not, but by texting, sending snaps or write comments on pictures, articles, facebook- or tumblrposts, we can understand how people feel at that moment or about a certain topic.
How a person texts can give us hints about what kind of person they are, or how interested they are in the conversation, example: if a person only responds With "K" or uses a lot of emoticons, it can give us some hints that the person may or may not be very intrested (can depend a bit on the emoticons, some emoticons can be very positive) or this person can be a bit lazy since she/he only responds with "K". However if you get an answer right away (almost before you sendt your text) it can show that the person have their phone with them all the time (which can be both positive and negative) it can indicate that the person is always available.
When you read a facebook- or tumblr textpost you get an insight in how they think and therefore also an understanding of how and why they think that, and maybe you will agree, maybe not, but anyway you have gotten an understanding of how people think and hopefully will you respect other peoples opinions.

Films can easy show us how diffrent people react to subjects, example in the film Disconnect the diffrent persons deal with diffrent kind of negative internet causes, which ends in one suicide, one damaged friendship and strengthened love. Documentaries are wonderful ways to show us how other people live and what they live for, this again can get us to understand them. The TV-series Criminal Minds is a criminal series like CSI and NCIS, but instead of focusing on the team shecking evidence, investigate and doing autopsies, the team in Criminal Minds investigate and figure out why the murderer murder.

Literature can help us understand other people by giving us different opinions with diffrent books, because when the athour writes he or she gives the readers an understanding on the Author by studying how the writer writes and what the Author writes about, however if it is an biography we will get Direct "contact" with the person the biography is about and therefore also Direct contact With his or hers oppinons on different subjects. We can get the same effect by Reading an interview.

So to sum up there is many ways we can get an understanding of other people, all from Direct and sometimes a bit harsh opinions in comments or textposts on social media to more intricate oppinions which might try to make the readers belive the same, in books and interviews.

The film Disconnect
My own experiences on social media

mandag 26. januar 2015


We have seen the movie Disconnect, it was about how social media affects us. It showed four stories parallel where social media affected them all in some way, two of the stories are wired together from the beginning, while the two other stories dosen`t connect at all. The first story is about a reporter who investigate a case where People - often young - uses a chatroom to connect with other People both younger and older and seduce them, the reporter later makes an interview with one of the guys from the chatroom. The second individual story is about a couple who lost their child - we never know how, I guess either the child was born dead or died soon after birth - the woman called Cindy is on a chatroom to talk to somone who understands and to get some help because her husband and she never talk anymore, on the chatroom their personal information is stolen and they lose all their money, and after listening to the police they go on a hunt to confront the man who they belive took their money.
The third and fourth story connect becuase one of the stories is about two boys who makes a fake facebook account to joke with a guy who has no friends and is diffrent from the others at the School, they get contact with the other boy called Ben, through the fake account and write fake messages, but Ben don`t know that it is fake, the two boys don`t know when to stop and it goes to far.
The fourth story (which Connect with the third) is about Ben and how he reacts to the messages, and later the stories show how their dads react.

The issues presented in the film is relevant because there is a lot of People who get tricked or harrassed in real life on the internet, so it is not unfamiliar in the film. But the most familiar element in the movie was the secene where Bens parents tells him to put away his phone while it is dinner, and Ben answers that his dad is allowed, before leaving the table, this is familiar to me because at home we have an unspoken rule to not be on the phone wile eating, but now that dad has a workphone he has to check it, but he often waits to we are almost done or done eating, just siting by the table, so it is okay.

I don`t know if I liked the film because I think it was given to much information at the same time with to many characters to follow up on, I think it would have been easier to watch the movie if there had been fewer characters, and maybe dropped one of the stories. I also think that it was a bit cliché to have the outstanding boy take suicide, when we met the boy who stood out from the others, we knew imeaditly that this was the kid who was going to take his life, and it was easy for us as audience to know because there is always the kid who stands out who take their life in movies. So I think that was a bit clichè, it would have been nice to once have a Movie where it was not the kid who stood out who took his life. 

I think that the part who made an impression on me was the fight between the two fathers - the cop father, the father to the little kid who teased Ben, and Bens father  - because I think I found it werid that they, two grown up men didn`t know when to stop fighting or that it would be a better solution to talk to eachother insted of og right to fighting.

onsdag 21. januar 2015

Technology, Social Media and the Internet

I have read nine texts about technology, social media and the internet, so here is some thoughts I got in a task to answer:
These texts are about how social media, internet and technology affects our everyday life, both positive and negative, and they tell us how under the surface almost all internet pages gather information about the users.
They tells us how the technology can help us, but also how it make us addicts, and do so we are never quite present wherever we are, because we have to everywhere else too at the same time.
I do agree with the messages in the texts because Technology, social media and the internet do help us a lot, but they also create an enviroment where you have to be present to everything the whole time, which can cause stress, addiction and other illnesses.
I use Technology every day at School and in private, I use it to Google stuff, do homework, I use some social media sites and I use the internet to watch Movies and TV-shows/series.

onsdag 7. januar 2015

Events in American History

1. Do you think the colonies had good reason to declare Independence? Why?
Yes I think the colonies had good reason to declare Independence because the ccolonies had left England because they were not accepted there, but when they came to America, they still had to pay traxes and respond to British government. So I think that in order to become a better nation, and have a better life, they had to become entirely free from England by craving Independence.

2. Should one country be able to colonize another? Perhaps, if it makes the country it colonize better, but not if they suppress the natives and take their Resources, generally makes the natives life worse.
When should a colony be granted Independence?

3. The Bill of Rights guarantees Americans "the right to bear arms". Many Americans still feel this is important for personal safety and in case they need to revolt  against their own government, They argue that the Minutemen and the local militias only won the fight for Independence beacause they had firearms.
What do you think? Should everyone have the right to bear arms? All kinds of arms? I think everyone should have the right to bear arms to a certain extent. I think there schould be some weaponlaws as it is in Norway, like the weapons have to be locked inside a safe, and you have to have documentation on all of your weapons. I think it`s okay to bear guns, shotguns and rifle, but I don`t think the average american needs a bomb of any kind or a handgranate.

4.  If you were to present your nation's history in the same way as above, which events would you choose? Why?
I would choose:
- The Vikings, because they brought traditions to and from Norway to and from Places they visited and robbed
- Norway under Danish and Swedish rule, because it is such a big and important part of Norwegian history
- Norway`s constitution day, because it is important from our history were we were under Danish and Swedish rule and because it was important for our national feeling.
- The heavy water action in Rjukan, because it was an important sabotage event under world war two.