mandag 23. mars 2015

Imaginary person

There ones was a girl, she was anAmerican girl, but she could speak both English and French as her mother was French, but she lived just outside of Washngton D.C. Her name was Lynn and she loved to read and learn, her favourite subject at school was history, she especially liked to learn about the Victorian Era. And her favorite books was Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan. Last week, Tuesday the 5th of June, her class went to the White House and learned about the political parties; the Conservatives and the Democrats. Even though her class had many diffrent religions such as Protestantism, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism, but one thing they all had in common was politics. They were even lucky enough to have a brief meeting with the President.

Words that are easily confused

Task 1: Visual Dictionary






there, their, they`re:






mandag 16. mars 2015

A Passage to India

We got a task to create a story around a picture in our text book, so here it is:
Outside of a huge business building in India, stands a young Indian woman, despite the sun outside,is she holding a purple umbrella, while talking to her friend on the phone, she is smiling, and can not wait to meet her friend on the cafe she is heading for right now. As a marketing director for the big firm, she is standing in front, she dosen`t have that much of free time, but she took a longer lunch break this day to see her friend, whom she had not seen in a long time. So naturally her thoughts is on her friend and how exited she is to finally meet her again.

Checkpoint on p. 262: Give each paragraph in the text a title:
1) The road to independence
2) Challenges
3) Transform from rural to industrialized
4) Old traditions
5) Caste system
6) Education
7) Contrast between the poor and India`s middle and upper classes.

Viewpoints on p. 265:
1) Rural means a place away from the city where people live and many people work with farms, urban means city
2) The diffrence between rural and urban areas in Norway is some places easy too see, but it is mainly that the rural areas have a lot of agriculture, while the urban areas is cities with shopping centres, resturants and other different buy and sell opportunities.
3) "If everyone in the world consumed as much as people in industrialized countries do, we would need eight planets as big as the Earth to meet their demands" this is probably true, we in the western world use and throws a lot. 
4) I guess the reason why people change their ways of life to a "simple life" where they produce their own food and go back to nature and live in closely-knit communities is because they see it may improve their health, and the environment. They may feel it as a better living with less stress and more comfort.
5) Rules for "simple living": 
   - spend less than you make
   - be grateful
   - google "rules for simple living" and you will get more useful rules
6) My three top priorities in life is:
    - live my life as I want
    - have good friends and family
    - have a job I like 

mandag 9. mars 2015

The Imitation Game

2. What would I ask Alan Turing after the end of the war?
    - Why did it take so long time for you to open up and work with your colleagues?
    - What was the biggest reason you wanted to work on the Enigma Project?
    - What was the most difficult ethic problems you had to solve?
    - It is said that because of your job you shortened the war with two years, do you belive it coul have been shortened with more if you worked differently?
    - Do you think anything could have been done differently?